How to Ship Homemade Marshmallows

shipping homemade marshmallows

Homemade marshmallows make great all-occasion gifts. They are easy to prepare (here’s a great recipe !) and can be infused with all sorts of flavors from the popular vanilla to the sophisticated lavender or decadent chocolate. They are light-weight and, if properly prepared, can stay fresh for a long time, making them perfect for shipping.

Because they are soft, homemade marshmallows must be properly packed prior to shipping to prevent them from getting squished and deformed during transit. Here are tips on how to properly pack and ship homemade marshmallows to ensure that these soft, fluffy and sweet confections arrive in excellent condition.

After cutting the homemade marshmallows into your desired shapes (use cookie cutters to form fancy shapes other than squares), dip them, especially the cut sides, in confectioner’s sugar to prevent them from sticking together. Place the mallows in an airtight container or clear plastic bags tied with a ribbon.

If shipping in a glass container, wrap the jar generously in bubble wrap before placing inside a gift box. Fill any empty spaces inside the box with more bubble wrap to prevent the jar from moving. Close and seal the gift box and attach a gift tag. Double box it in a slightly larger shipping box with fillers on all sides, top, and bottom. Seal and attach shipping addresses and labels.

For marshmallows in bags, arrange them in a gift box and add fillers in empty spaces to prevent movement. Shredded old newspapers or book pages make rustic and inexpensive packing materials. Close the gift box and add a tag. Double box it with sufficient packing materials all around.

If shipping as holiday gifts, send them out early to avoid the rush. Use expedited shipping if you want the package to get delivered as soon as possible.

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